Martes, Agosto 9, 2016

Lesson 2

Lesson 2

Technology: Boon or Bane?

Technology is a blessing for man because with the use of technology, we can do a lot of things which we could not do then in an easy way. It contributes much to the improvement of the teaching-learning process and to the humanization of life. For example, with television, we can watch events as they happen all over the globe. By using computer, specifically using multimedia in the classroom, it can improve the efficiency of the teacher in teaching through the use of special effects and catchy presentations. Another advantage of technology is that we can communicate now much better through the use of our webcams and cell phones wherein it could also save other people lives because of speedy notifications. There are a lot of reasons why technology is boon. Those are just some of the reasons that prove technology has a lot of benefits to us. 

Technology has also bad effects especially if we do not use it correctly. It becomes a detriment to learning and development of a person. It can destruct, destroy and worst, it can kill us. Some examples of its bad effects are when you use it to search for pornographic images and videos, when we become dependent to it and make us unproductive and worthless. Another bad thing that can do with technology is that we can make character assassination to other people by using social media through the use of internet. Also, we spend most of our time in using our gadgets even in school and in our workplace. There are also a lot of disadvantages if we use technology because technology itself is broad and universal that’s why everything is possible. But it still depends to us how we are going to use it.

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